This eBook will help you recruit, reward, and retain top talent so that you bring on the best people and adequately invest in them for the future of your business.
Discover how to:
- Operate as an informal mentoring program
- Outline the rubric for job advancement
- Walk individuals step-by-step through their career projection
- Act as a unique recruiting tool for top talent
- Facilitate measurables for annual reviews
- Develop flexible Responsibility Agreements
- Craft a payment structure that fits the needs of your firm
- Attract and retain talented people
- Define the mentorship approach that works best for your business
- Identify the roles, responsibilities, standards, and expectations for each position
- Set goals and target dates for growth, profitability, staffing, and more
There will come a time when you need to step away from your firm, whether it’s for an extended vacation, a medical condition, family needs, or you’re just ready to retire. This eBook will pave the way for you to delegate responsibilities through a seamless transition, putting your mind at ease.
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